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Thursday, February 10, 2011

How to prevent injury of aging loved one.

Day-to-day activity often becomes more difficult for us as we get older. Kids bounce back from falls, but your elderly loved one suffering a fall can be serious. A senior taking a single bad fall can cause a long hospital stay, painful recovery, the need for senior care, and more.

So what can you do to care for your loved one against the risk of injury?

There are four important factors to evaluate and adjust accordingly in order to reduce risk of falling.

1. Evaluate your loved one’s preexisting medical conditions and how they may affect their risk. Obviously these are not conditions that can be simply remedied or removed, but they’re worth evaluating to better understand your loved one’s level of risk. Elderly home care can help understand and deal with this better.

2. Medications sometimes have side-affects. Know them. Some drugs or drug combinations cause dizziness. Be sure and talk to your doctor about these risky side effects and ask if there are alternatives to medications that may increase your risk of falling.

3. Strength and balance play a big part in keeping your loved one on their feet. Regularly exercising can help improve strength and balance, lowering the risk of injury. Just don’t let them over do it. Exertion can also lead to injury. Disabled home care or other senior care services can assist you with this.

4. The last factor is environment, and it’s the simplest to remedy. Most falls happen at home. Install simple things like hands rails in the bathroom. Remove clutter from around the house that pose possible trip hazards. A senior home care representative can help you create this safe and comfortable environment.

Sometimes even taking all the precautions is still not enough. Luckily that doesn’t mean your loved one is sentenced to an assisted living facility. Comfort Keepers offers expert senior care from the comfort and security of your loved one’s home. Our care givers are highly trained and experienced in giving you the care from your own home that you need and deserve.This information taked from Comfort Keepers website, to read more like it click HERE.

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